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Office Routing Plus Programming API™

Office Routing Plus™ (ORP) is an international leader in sequential workflow. Our products run as add-ins inside of either Excel, Word, or Outlook. Our Excel and Word add-in allows you to route MS Office 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016 Word documents and 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and Office 365 Excel Spreadsheets. Our Outlook add-in allows you to route any type of document and multiple documents can be routed for review in one routing process. Originally developed as a fix to the Missing Routing Slip problem, ORP has developed into an enterprise solution that covers your workflow and document approval needs.

Our API offers you a way to use custom routing tools provided by the Office Routing Plus platform coding with Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

Programming features


Below are a couple scenarios that describe the potential power of the Office Routing Plus Programming API.

Check request control

You have a saved spreadsheet form that your organization uses for check requests, and you want users in your organization to be able to download this template from your intranet or a network location. You do not want the person making the check request to know which all the recipients of this document because you have a large organization with complex business rules. It would be nice to have managed code inside the document itself that could dynamically determine the routing recipients based on criteria in the document. (i.e. the department the initiator works in, the amount of the request, or the type of request.) You can design the spreasheet so that each of these pieces of information can be clearly determined (i.e. by making named references or ensuring that they are put in specific cell numbers). A programmer may now write VBA code in the form itself that has logic for looking up the appropriate recipients to route to based on the user's department and the amount/type of check request. This mapping logic could be stored in arrays or simple function in the spreadsheet document or it could even be tied into a Microsoft Active Directory store or a company database. Once a programmer has determined the recipients, he could create a button that the user clicks, which could then easily add these recipients to the document with the Office Routing Plus Programming API. The code would simply pass in the current document to the Office Routing Plus Programming API and then add the recipients. The document could also be automatically routed with the API.

Automatic workflow

When a form is filled out on your company website, you may want to write special code to take the data from this html web form and automate creating a new spreadsheet or document (or even a PDF document) with the form's content. Then you can add recipients to this document based on the content of the document and route it to the first person. This could be accomplished by a programmer who knows how to automate creating a document or spreadsheet from managed code written in a language that can interact with COM objects (VB.Net, C#, etc.). Once the program automates the creation of the document and adds the recipients with the Office Routing Plus Programming API, it could route the document to the first recipient with one additional line of code.

Example use with VBA

This sample demonstrates how to add business logic to a spreadsheet and alter the workflow pattern based on the evaluation results. In this case we are adding a new recipient to the list.

Dim theRecipient As String
Dim thePurchaseOrderAmnt As Double
If thePurchaseOrderAmnt > 1000 Then
     theRecipient = Sheet1.Cells(5, 2)
End If
Dim x As New ORPDocumentRouting
x.addRoutingSlip Me.Application
x.addSingleRecipient theRecipient
x.routeToNextRecipient "testSubject", "testBody"

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System Requirements

API works with the following Microsoft Office products:
  • Microsoft Excel 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 2007
  • Microsoft Excel 2010
  • Microsoft Word 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007
  • Microsoft Word 2010
Recommendation Highlights

" Thanks to the Office Routing Plus Add-in, our teams are back in business routing documents for review purpose. Without this valuable add in, we would have to do the whole process manually, which is going to be unsustainable. Thanks again! " - Steve Yuen, IT Analyst, Johnson & Johnson Inc.

" The Office Routing Add-in allowed us to quickly and easily replace the lost functionality of document routing in Office 2007 without having to develop custom work flows through the Share Point Server - we have been very pleased with the results " - Kent Smith, W.C. Bradley Co.